
Good Things Are Scary; Disappointment is Comfortable

I have a very serious fear of good things happening to me. You laugh, but I’m dead serious. I have a few really big dreams that feel completely impossible and I have no idea how (or if) they’ll ever work out. And so when some of these dreams started inching forward last week, I had…

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What Kind of Brave Are You?

Photo via Visualhunt I’ve really been enjoying my Tuesday and Friday night Facebook Live chats. We’ve been discussing what it means to be brave and practical tips for choosing courage. I love how people interact in the comments and share their thoughts on choosing brave. Join us @BeckyLMcCoy on Facebook. While it can be overwhelming for…

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Broken People are Brave People

This post was originally published in January 2014, but when I read it I knew I had to share it again.    Last week, Caleb and I were in the kitchen when I had to leave the room for a quick moment. I heard a loud bang and then silence: the absolute worst combination in…

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