Ep. 19 – Robin Chapman; Miscarriage, Vulnerability, & A New Baby

Meet Robin, a mom of four who experienced a miscarriage and was surprised by the grief that resulted. Robin said she knew the numbers and likelihood of miscarriage, but she expected it to happen to other people, not to her. She expected to feel mad, angry, and confused, but instead she felt numb. Robin didn’t know how to grieve and fell into depression; she struggled, feeling like her grief made her lazy and unable to live. Eventually, Robin learned how to be vulnerable with others and honest with herself. She encourages people who are grieving that “it’s okay to hurt,” and to know that, “God is still good, no matter the outcome.”
Robin’s Answers to the Fun Questions:
- What are you loving right now? Warmer weather in Alaska
- What’s your favorite meal right now? Jalapeno burger and baked brie leftovers
- What are you doing to take care of yourself? Get up before the kids
- What are you doing to be brave? Choosing to share weaknesses and wins
Connect with Robin:
BLOG: GraceEnoughForUs.wordpress.com
INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/Robin.Chapman
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NOTE: Sucker Punched is the podcast formerly known as Stories of Unfolding Grace