Ep. 31 – Becky L McCoy; Widowhood, Grief, & Hard Conversations

When I was pregnant with my daughter, my husband was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma. We knew the prognosis was not good, so we decided to have many uncomfortable conversations about what this fight would look like together and after he was gone. It was heart wrenching to make those kinds of decisions, but I’m so glad that we did. From the moment Keith experienced his first symptom to the time he passed away, it had only been three months. It was shocking and emotionally complicated since I had a two-year-old to care for and a baby that wasn’t due for another month. I spent the month between his death and Libby’s birth in a dark and angry place. I had lots of questions and very freely told God that he had messed up. And then Libby was born and light started shining through the cracks in my heart; this little baby reminded me that there was good and there was hope, even when my heart was so very broken. We experienced so much grace in the months Keith was sick and after he died. People brought food, cared for the kids, and cleaned my house. My kids brought laughter to our house. Being widowed and a single mom was never the plan for my life, but the grace, the good things, remind me that there is hope and that my story isn’t over.
Becky’s Fun Question Answers:
? What are you loving right now? Golden Girls on Hulu!
? What’s your favorite food/meal/snack? Queso (always) and Underwood Cellars’ Pinot Noir
? What are you doing to take care of yourself? Bubble baths and glasses of wine when I make the time for it. Waking up an hour before the kids to have time for myself.
? What are you doing to be brave? Getting to know who I am and living confidently based on my strengths and weaknesses (especially not being ashamed of my weaknesses)
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NOTE: Sucker Punched is the podcast formerly known as Stories of Unfolding Grace