Brave is a Choice
I’m not exaggerating when I say my life feels more like a Lifetime movie than reality. My dad died eight hours after giving birth to my first kid. My husband battled one kind of cancer the year we were engaged and died from another kind a month before our kid number two was born. I…
Do You Have Time To Make Your Dreams Reality?
#MyBrave2017 is a series of guest posts from women who are determined to live bravely in the little things and the big things. Join my email list so you can read them all. I’m a helper, a doer, an organizer. I have a really hard time saying “no” when someone or an organization needs help. The…
Confidence in the Daily Battle with Depression | Elli Johnson
#MyBrave2017 is a series of guest posts from women who are determined to live bravely in the little things and the big things. Join my email list so you can read them all. 29th December 2009. The day I was brave enough to tell my friend I had been diagnosed with depression. The diagnosis had come a…
What If You Could Be More Brave?
Several weeks ago I asked you, my friends and readers, what you’re struggling with most. Overwhelmingly, you told me that you’re carrying the weight of the heavy seasons of life and you’re not quite sure how to handle your specific challenges. You feel a bit lost and confused and helpless to improve your situation, but you’re…
What Kind of Brave Are You?
Photo via Visualhunt I’ve really been enjoying my Tuesday and Friday night Facebook Live chats. We’ve been discussing what it means to be brave and practical tips for choosing courage. I love how people interact in the comments and share their thoughts on choosing brave. Join us @BeckyLMcCoy on Facebook. While it can be overwhelming for…
5 Simple Strategies for Being More Brave
I’ve been using Facebook Live several times a week to connect with people and share how we are being brave (find me at Becky L McCoy on Facebook to join in!) It’s quickly become something I look forward to because it’s an easy way to encourage each other to keep doing brave things. But what…
Broken People are Brave People
This post was originally published in January 2014, but when I read it I knew I had to share it again. Last week, Caleb and I were in the kitchen when I had to leave the room for a quick moment. I heard a loud bang and then silence: the absolute worst combination in…
Anyone Can Be Courageous
I used to think that having courage meant doing brazen, bold, and scary things that saved lives and changed the world. Over the last year I have learned that courage is really just making the right choice when given the opportunity. Today I had the privilege to share my thoughts on courage at a middle…